Великий патриот России

  • Mary Alexandrovich born Seminin     30.03.2009 20:07

    I was born in Serbia, Velike Kikinda, march 7, 1935. My father's name was Sergey
    Seminin brother to Petr Andrejevich Seminin poet of 1950, 60. I am sure you know who he was. What I want to say, that eventhough, that I was born outside of Russia, my parents made sure, that I from early childhood not only loved Russia with all my being, but, that even in the most thoughest times durong WWII was able to announce with pride loud and clear " I am Russian, and I can not and will never become anything else!" My father was a Russian Orthodox Priest, in St. Tikhon's Monastery, South Canaan, Pennsylvania. Thank you so much for this wonderful article, God bless you all, and God bless Russia, my ancestoral home. M. Alexandrovich
    PS> If you will answer me, please write in Russian! The reason, that I am using English is because I don't have our Russian lettering in my computer yet.

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