Почему мы империофилы?

  • Seiss5     26.12.2006 20:44

    Promoting a return to monarchy in Russia is a utopian fantasy that can appeal only to the most naive segment of Russia's population. Furthermore, before proclaiming the benefits of a monarchic system for Russia, it would be helpful to have a candidate in mind. Obviously, there can be no Empire without an Emperor. Do you see a believable candidate in one of the Romanoff descendants? Utopia! Or are you imagining another dynasty? Utopia! Or do you already have a candidate in mind? Perhaps in the Kremlin? Utopia! And have you forgotten that the Russian people were never happy with their Romanoff Tsars before whom nevertheless they bowed and scraped? Conversely, if the Romanoff Empire was such paradise on earth why did it end in such a savage popular revolution?

    It is not to serve Russia well to feed it such utopian dreams. Russia has no future unless its people learn to stand on their own two legs, learn to think for themselves, learn to govern themselves, learn to take responsibility for themselves. The Russian mindset of falling face to the ground before "Vlast" has to be eradicated. All of this can be done, if there is a will to do it. Russian patriots should wake up the Russian people rather than be putting it to sleep with monarchic dreams. The glory of the Russian Empire and the might of the Soviet Empire may be gone for ever, as have gone for ever many other Empires on earth, but Russia can and should be a strong and normal country.
    A well wisher.

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